Diploma in Computer Application (DCA)

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What Will You Learn?

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of computer fundamentals.
  • Develop proficiency in using the Windows operating system.
  • Master Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Learn the basics of graphic design with Photoshop and Corel Draw.
  • Choose between learning the basics of Tally or C Programming.
  • Understand internet usage and online safety.
  • Get acquainted with computer hardware working concepts.
  • Enhance communication and other soft skills.
  • Learn the basics of HTML for web development.

Course Content

Subject 1: Fundamentals of Computers
Overview of Computer Systems Input and Output Devices Storage Devices Basic Computer Terminologies

  • Overview of Computer Systems, Input and Output Devices, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Memory and Storage, Basic Operating Principles, Overview of Software and Hardware

Subject 2: Windows Operating System 7/10
Introduction to Windows OS Navigating the Windows Interface File Management System Utilities and Settings Introduction to Windows OS Navigating the Windows Interface File Management System Utilities and Settings

Subject 3: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel & PowerPoint)
Microsoft Word: Document Creation and Formatting Using Templates and Styles Advanced Editing Tools Microsoft Excel: Spreadsheet Basics Formulas and Functions Data Analysis and Visualization Microsoft PowerPoint: Creating Presentations Slide Design and Layout Using Animations and Transitions

Subject 4: Photoshop CS
Introduction to Photoshop Interface Basic Photo Editing Working with Layers and Filters Creating and Editing Images

Subject 5: Corel Draw
Introduction to Corel Draw Vector Graphics and Design Creating Logos and Illustrations Working with Text and Shapes

Subject 6: Optional Subject
Tally Basic: Introduction to Accounting Basic Tally Operations Managing Financial Records C Programming: Introduction to C Language Basic Syntax and Structure Writing Simple Programs

Subject 7: Internet
Understanding the Internet and its Uses Web Browsing and Online Safety Email Communication Using Online Services and Tools

Subject 8: Computer Hardware Working Concepts
Introduction to Computer Hardware Understanding Components and Peripherals Basic Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Subject 9: Soft Skills
Effective Communication Time Management Teamwork and Collaboration Professional Etiquette

Subject 10: HTML
Introduction to HTML Basic HTML Tags and Attributes Creating Web Pages Introduction to CSS

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